28 June 2012

SUMMER PROJECT with MIKI TALLONE, MACT collection and a live concert by FEMINA FABER

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Miki Tallone, Allerleirauh [All-kinds-of-fur], 2012

Allerleirauh [All-kinds-of-fur]
Mind the Mind

MACT Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino
Giona Bernardi, Alex Hanimann, Valter Luca Signorile

Femina Faber in concerto Live
Sabato 28 luglio 2012, ore 18:00

Vernissage__sabato 21 luglio 2012 dalle 17:30

21 luglio – 12 agosto 2012

Il CACT CENTRO D’ARTE CONTEMPORANEA TICINO apre il prossimo 21 luglio 2012 una doppia mostra a breve durata, ma intensa nei suoi contenuti.
Altamente elaborato, sia dal punto di vista dell’uso di spazio e spazialità che da quello analitico, è il SUMMER PROJECT dedicato all’artista MIKI TALLONE (Swiss Award 2012), anticamera della sua personale ad inizio anno 2013. L’artista svizzera di origine ticinese occupa due spazi per altrettanti progetti, dove la fusione tra linguaggio concettuale ed espressione autoreferenziale si coagulano in due opere tematiche interdipendenti e comunicanti. ALLERLEIRAUH [ALL-KINDS-OF-FUR] è la sovrapposizione parallela della fiaba dei fratelli Grimm DOGNIPELO con il vissuto personale dell’artista, che ne usa spudoratamente il titolo, per un’opera altamente evocativa in bilico tra convenzione sociale e verità individuale, tra norma e tabù, tra sociale e anonimato, tra concetto e carne, tra redenzione e automortificazione; e laddove la psicanalisi – grande mistificazione borghese del Novecento – si liofilizza in un teorema senza forma e senza fine: e senza alcun riferimento alla propria cultura.
Questo andirivieni dicotomico a cavallo di una linea di demarcazione sociale, da oltrepassare o meno, si riflette nell’abile lavoro di tessitura di due sale; la prima – appunto –, in cui l’artista presenta 32 + 1 brandelli ritagliati da altrettanti suoi abiti a richiamare i brandelli di pelo della principessa della succitata fiaba: la seconda – dal titolo MIND THE MIND –, dove Miki Tallone ricuce lo spazio attraverso una rete di fili elastici, ch’essa fa passare aleatoriamente, ricompone tutto lo spazio, coniugando il matrimonio tra ordine formale, mentale e temporale.

Miki Tallone, Mind the Mind #1, 2011
Decostruire, scomporre il proprio vissuto personale tra pulsazioni interiori e convenzioni sociali, per riedificare il proprio pensiero, è il procédé operativo di Miki Tallone, che – al di là dell’uso dello stilema concettuale – non riesce a licenziarsi completamente dalla tradizione della rappresentazione figurativa.

Valter Luca Signorile, Jerusalem #1, videostill, 2007 (Private collection, Switzerland)

Contemporaneamente, nelle altre sale, è in mostra una selezione stretta di opere di artisti della collezione del MACT Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino: in particolare Giona Bernardi, Alex Hanimann, Valter Luca Signorile.

Giona Bernardi, Untitled (self), 2010 (Private collection, Switzerland. Ph. by Pier Giorgio De Pinto © PRO LITTERIS / Zurich, 2012)

Sabato 28 luglio 2012 alle ore 18:00, FEMINA FABER – progetto di PAOLA BIANCHI – si esibirà in un concerto live titolato UT COSMO CONCORDENT VOCES. Esso si avvale anche della collaborazione di FAUSTO BALBO, che per l'occasione proporrà l’ascolto di stimoli otoacustici generati da DPOAE, e di Pier Giorgio De Pinto, che ne disegna i visual ad hoc proiettati su parete durante la serata; il concerto coincide con l’uscita del nuovo album AMPLEXUM MENTIS: UT COSMO CONCORDENT VOCES per la Calembour Records/Audioglobe.

Mario Casanova, 2012

Femina Faber (Ph. by Pier Giorgio De Pinto © PRO LITTERIS / Zurich, 2012)

Allerleirauh [All-kinds-of-fur]
Mind the Mind

MACT Museum of Contemporary Art in Canton Ticino
Giona Bernardi, Alex Hanimann, Valter Luca Signorile

Femina Faber in live concerto
Saturday 28 July 2012 at 6.00 p.m.

Vernissage__Saturday 21 July 2012 from 5.30 p.m.

21 July – 12 August 2012
Fri-Sat-Sun__2.00-6.00 p.m.

 Miki Tallone, Allerleirauh [All-kinds-of-fur], 2012

On 21 July 2012, the CACT – CENTRE OF CONTEMPORARY ART IN CANTON TICINO is opening a double exhibition, short in duration, but intense in contents.
Highly elaborate, both in terms of the use it makes of space and spatial relations and in an analytical sense, this is the SUMMER PROJECT dedicated to the artist MIKI TALLONE (Swiss Award 2012), a preview of her personal show due in early 2013. The Swiss artist, a native of Ticino, occupies two spaces with two projects, where the blend she achieves between conceptual language and self-referential expression coagulates into two interdependent and intercommunicating thematic works. ALLERLEIRAUH [ALL-KINDS-OF-FUR] is a parallel overlapping, on the one hand of the Grimm’s fairy tale ALL KINDS OF FUR with the artist’s own personal experience, as she makes shameless use of its title for a highly evocative work balanced on a knife-edge between social convention and individual truth, between rule and taboo, between sociality and anonymity, between concept and flesh, between redemption and self-mortification; and on the other the point where psychoanalysis – the great obsession of the twentieth-century middle classes – is rarefied into a theorem without form and without end... and also without any reference to its own culture.

Miki Tallone, Mind the Mind #1, 2011

This dichotomy of back-and-forth across a social demarcation line – do we pass it or not? – is reflected in the skilled weave of the two rooms. In the first, where the artist presents 32 + 1 shreds cut out of the same number of her own pieces of clothing, citing the shreds of the

princess’s hair mentioned in the fairy tale. In the second – whose title is MIND THE MIND – Miki Tallone has stitched the space back together with a web of elastic threads, which she sends hither and thither at random, recomposing the entire space and composing the grammar of the marriage between formal, mental and temporal order.

 Valter Luca Signorile, Jerusalem #3, videostill, 2007 (Private collection, Switzerland)

Deconstructing her personal experience, taking its intimate pulsations and social conventions to pieces so as to reconstruct her thinking: this is the operational approach adopted by Miki Tallone, who – apart from the use of conceptual stylemes – seems incapable of shaking off the last traces of the tradition of figurative representation.

Giona Bernardi, Untitled (kiss), 2010 (Private collection, Switzerland. Ph. by Pier Giorgio De Pinto © PRO LITTERIS / Zurich, 2012)

At the same time, the other rooms are hosting a choice selection of works by artists from the collection at the MACT Museum of Contemporary Art in Ticino, in particular Giona Bernardi, Alex Hanimann and Valter Luca Signorile.

Femina Faber (Ph. by Pier Giorgio De Pinto © PRO LITTERIS / Zurich, 2012)

On Saturday 28 July 2012 at 6.00 p.m., FEMINA FABER – a project by PAOLA BIANCHI – will perform in a live concerto entitled UT COSMO CONCORDENT VOCES, featuring FAUSTO BALBO, who is offering the audience the chance to listen to otoacoustic stimuli generated by DPOAE, and Pier Giorgio De Pinto, who will be drawing live visuals projected onto the wall during the evening. The concert will end with the publication of the new album AMPLEXUM MENTIS: UT COSMO CONCORDENT VOCES by Calembour Records/Audioglobe.

Mario Casanova, 2012 [translation Pete Kercher]

Il MACT/CACT è sostenuto finanziariamente e culturalmente da Repubblica e Cantone del Ticino, Città di Bellinzona, Alfred Richterich Stiftung Kastanienbaum, Immobiliare Bellinzona, amici del MACT/CACT, gli artisti.

MACT/CACT is financially and culturally supported by Repubblica e Canton Ticino, Città di Bellinzona, Alfred Richterich Stiftung Kastanienbaum, Immobiliare Bellinzona, Friends of MACT/CACT, the artists.

17 June 2012

TOO LATE. Performance by and with Stella Goldschmit at CACT Switzerland

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Performance di e con Stella Goldschmit

Sabato 23 e domenica 24 giugno 2012
  • ore 18:00 prima rappresentazione
  • ore 19:30 seconda rappresentazione

Entrata gratuita
Rinfresco in giardino

Due uomini in bilico tra due età, due mondi, tra il giorno e la notte, tra un grande schermo e la televisione… Due uomini illuminati dalla luce che proviene dagli schermi, come nell’intimità di una camera da letto poco prima del sonno… Sui due schermi si susseguono immagini e suoni talvolta ipnotici, rassicuranti o angoscianti… Un’alternanza che è spesso presente nei film di genere, fantastici o dell’orrore.
C’è anche, in questa stanza, un terzo schermo. Si tratta di una tappezzeria capace di assorbire, invece, le luci rubate, una sorta di elemento di decorazione desueto, di ex-voto pagano.
In maniera regolare, dal grande schermo, una speaker bionda ci regala dei testi corti abbastanza sorprendenti. I due uomini non cercano di fuggire da questa camera, bensì la abitano come dei fantasmi.

Il duo Stella Goldschmit concentra il suo lavoro attorno allo svuotamento di significato della parola felicità nella società mediatica contemporanea. La performance TROPPO TARDI si iscrive a un progetto più ampio dal titolo Essere felici PROJECT, un sorta di ‘tecnica mista’ trans mediale: fotografie, pittura, video e spettacolo-performance.

Un ringraziamento particolare va a Philippe Labonne e ad Agathe Laemmel per il loro prezioso contributo.

Stella Goldschmit, 2012

[Le attività del MACT/CACT sono sostenute finanziariamente e culturalmente da Repubblica e Canton Ticino, Città di Bellinzona, Alfred Richterich Stiftung Kastanienbaum, Immobiliare Bellinzona, Amici MACT / CACT, gli artisti.]

Performance by and with Stella Goldschmit

Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 June 2012
  • 6.00 p.m. first performance
  • 7.30 p.m. second performance

Free admittance
Open air catering

Two men between two ages, two worlds, between day and night, a big screen and a television… Two men lighted up by two screens, like in the intimacy of a bedroom just before going to sleep... From the two screens images and sounds follow one after another sometimes hypnotic, reassuring or upsetting... A sort of aesthetics, which is often used in films, both fantastic or horror movies.
In the room there is also a third screen. This is a tapestry, that captures, instead, the stolen lights, a sort of obsolete decoration, of pagan ex-voto.
From the big screen a blond female speaker gives us regularly pretty surprising short texts. The two men don’t try to escape from the room, they live in it like ghosts.

The duo Stella Goldschmit concentrates their work around the loosing of the meaning of the word happiness within our communicational contemporary society. The performance TOO LATE belongs to a larger project entitled Being happy PROJECT; a sort of ‘mixed media’ and trans-medial project: photography, painting, video and show-performance.

A special thank goes to Philippe Labonne and Agathe Laemmel for their substantial contribution.

Stella Goldschmit, 2012

[The activities of MACT/CACT are financially and culturally supported by Repubblica e Canton Ticino, Città di Bellinzona, Alfred Richterich Stiftung Kastanienbaum, Immobiliare Bellinzona, Friends of MACT / CACT, the artists.]

16 June 2012

PIER GIORGIO DE PINTO on Visual Container TV from 14 June to 25 July 2012

Pier Giorgio De Pinto, Sicilian yell for Ayaan Hirsi Alì, 2011, view of the video installation (Ph. by Pier Giorgio De Pinto © PRO LITTERIS / Zurich. Courtesy MACT/CACT Switzerland)

VISUALCONTAINER TV is glad to present on SpecialOne Format the anthological selection of video works of PIER GIORGIO DE PINTO. The selection include a small part of De Pinto's video works made from 2006 until 2011. The videos focus on different fields and frameworks, from experimental research to performances and collaboration with other artists.

About Pier Giorgio De Pinto

Pier Giorgio De Pinto is a trans-disciplinary artist, a performer, a curator, a theorist and a media trainer. He strongly uses new media as a “thinking media”, in which he involves the audience by creating performative experiences and immersive environments. His projects are usually made with other author's collaborations – musicians, choreographers and artists – coming from different cultural backgrounds and experiences, styles and identity genres. These collaborations enable De Pinto to undertake new and radical experimental projects, in order to stimulate a deep discussion about stereotypes and prejudices, and to ask awkward questions in the framework of culture, politics and religion.

Selected Artworks

My home has a golden Guest, 2011, 4:3 ‘05’’21
Sicilian yell for Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 2009, 4:3 ‘03’’26
Mapping the body [I am therefore I exist], 2011, 4:3 ‘10’’24
Blustery, 2008, 4:3 ‘02’’56
Gender Changer, 2006, 4:3 ‘04’’52
Cosmosinsomnia, 2006, 4:3 ‘05’’28

VisualContainerTv is the first Web Tv entirely devoted to the International videoartworld. A project by VisualContainer, the first Italian videoart distributor. The channel is welcoming solo and group exhibitions and festivals on invitation only under the curatorial skills of professionals from all over the world.

Pier Giorgio De Pinto, Sicilian yell for Ayaan Hirsi Alì, 2011, view of the video installation (Ph. by Pier Giorgio De Pinto © PRO LITTERIS / Zurich. Courtesy MACT/CACT Switzerland)